Olga Pelts

Web Developer, responsible, creative, fexible, always learning to become a better professional, enthusiastic about new opportunities.


Facebook clone

Implementation of Facebook using Ruby on Rails. Project emulates some functionalities of Facebook: accept & send friend requests, submit posts and see the posts of friends, comment on the posts and like them.

Weather App

This Weather app uses Dark SKY API to display current weather in any city of Europe. Unsplash API is used for background images.

Travel App

This is a tablet app, where user can book travel deals. Created using Ruby on Rails for back-end and Javscript, React for front-end. List of deals is provided from the backend.

Tic-Tac-Toe Game

This project is an implementation of the well known Tic-Tac-Toe game using Javascript. Suitable for two human players.


Restaurant webpage is created dynamically with ES6 modules. Each tab is rendered dynamically by a separate module with help of Webpack.

Framework Project

Framework project is grid-based framework, similar to Bootstrap, with 12-column design and classes for text, buttons, navbar, etc.

